The Great Jewish Awakening
The most common Jewish reaction to rising antisemitism has not been laying low and hiding one’s identity, but rather an increase in Torah learning and mitzvah observance and a stronger connection to the Jewish community.
The most common Jewish reaction to rising antisemitism has not been laying low and hiding one’s identity, but rather an increase in Torah learning and mitzvah observance and a stronger connection to the Jewish community.
The moment we begin engaging in the game of “who has it worse?” we have abandoned our responsibility to view each individual’s problem as deeply unique and personal.
Students are asked to consider, some for the first time, what is the arc of their religious narrative? What types of stories are their religious lives telling?
There’s a responsibility for every generation to struggle with the text and learn its truths. And all of the Rishonim understood that.
To us as Torah Jews, the Torah is the way Chazal, the Rishonim and the Acharonim understood it.