Rabbi Nota Greenblatt, zt”l
I didn’t have too many experts in shechitah I could turn to at the time—Rav Nota was one of the few.
I didn’t have too many experts in shechitah I could turn to at the time—Rav Nota was one of the few.
Rav Belsky had a scientific inclination and a curious mind, both of which led him on a constant search for truth.
The Rebbe wrote that his relationship with the Rav was ‘much greater than people knew.’
Sukkot, in our liturgy, is deisgnated as “Zman Simchatenu”-the time of our rejoicing. Yet, the Torah requires that we be joyous in all the festivals, so why designate specifically Sukkot as “Zman Simchatenu?” Through the obligation to be joyous on all festivals is universal, applying equally to Pesach, Shavuout and Sukkot, apparently there is a […]
The words the Rav used were “God’s will is self-justifying.” Man has to explain his actions but God does not.
I remember the first time I heard a shiur by the Rav. It was 1963 and the Rav was speaking on teshuvah. I was still only in high school, but I was completely enraptured and was determined to become his talmid.