Ki Heim Chayeinu—Living Jewish
How can we shift our Jewish practices from default approach to an engaging and inspiring experience?
How can we shift our Jewish practices from default approach to an engaging and inspiring experience?
This beautiful and all-important emphasis on family is also the source of numerous challenges and vulnerabilities for the many individuals who are not living within such a household.
Rav Chaim’s value system is not reserved for Rechov Rashbam . . . it can be ours too.
Focusing on our rights as well as on our responsibilities allows us to move beyond the parochial while uplifting the advocacy for our own needs too.
Today, Torah study is not just a mitzvah, it is a growing movement, and the OU is privileged to be a partner of all those propelling that movement.
There is no thrill like giving, like making a difference to others.
The dramatic birthrates show a robust community, which, baruch Hashem, is true in the aggregate. But that growth hides a level of attrition, which is the subject of much concern and is visible in studies of all US Jews.
Do we think big enough?
How to respond to tragedy
Continuity cannot be built on communal values alone, it requires relationship.
We must never accept loss with hopelessness or resignation.
Organized Jewish life strives for greater unity amongst Jews and more passionate engagement. But can passion and unity coexist?