Author: Steve Lipman

Everyday Kindness – February 2023

In this column, we highlight small and not-so-small acts of kindness that happen each and every single day.     A Warm Final Sendoff an a Below-Freezing Day  On a frigid Ontario afternoon in January 2019, more than 150 members of Toronto’s Jewish community stood on the open grounds of a snow-covered cemetery in the freezing […]

Rabbi Chaim Goldzweig, zt”l

“There’s no question that Rabbi Goldzweig was a pivotal player in the development of kashrut in America,” Rabbi Israel Paretzky, an OU RC told Jewish Action in a 2011 interview. “He was the OU.”

Volunteering in Moldova

She had learned two expressions in Russian. “You are in a safe place.” And, “You are not alone.”

Shtadlanim: Rabbi Dr. Israel Miller (1919-2002)

Rabbi Miller played an active role as a volunteer, often as the public face and voice of the Jewish community, on behalf of the JCRC, Holocaust survivors, Soviet Jews and other causes, as well as several Orthodox and Zionist organizations.

Covid Aliyah

Covid-19 has spurred an unprecedented interest in aliyah. Why?

Solo Shabbat

“So, who’s your latest victim?” That was the sarcastic question a colleague at work—a Sabra who has picked up the snarky US sense of humor—would ask me every Thursday or Friday when he spotted me rolling a suitcase into our office. It meant I was going away for Shabbat. Single, I am blessed to have […]

When God Says No

“Rabbi, I prayed for my zeidy to get better, but he died. Didn’t God listen to my prayer?”

October Surprise

I wanted to make my extended time in our family home over Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah memorable. I didn’t realize how memorable Nature would make the chagim.

How Covid Brings Us Together

Soldiers began delivering groceries, loading prepared meals into ambulances, and bringing medicine and toys to quarantined homes. And the men dressed in black-and-white bonded with those in khaki green.


What is it like to remember, in such a somber setting, loved ones you had lost?

Making a Seder for the Post-Millennial Generation

Getting and keeping the attention of people of any age during a Seder, a meal with a surfeit of readings and rituals that can stretch over several hours, is always difficult. But it is particularly challenging for teenagers and young adults at the table.

From West Lafayette to Jerusalem: Revisiting Indiana’s Orthodox Simons

One day this winter Ronit Comrov will make dozens of latkes, and sufganiyot, “just raspberry,” for her friends in Milwaukee. In London, Rabbi Hillel Simon will host a Chanukah party for friends and Rabbi Rashi Simon, also in London, will sponsor one at the outreach organization he founded. In Bnei Brak, Shira Pollack will arrange her work schedule to get home at the earliest possible moment to light the menorah with her family. Sounds like typical frum life in a big city. But the four Simon siblings are products of small-town America.

Making Latkes in DC

The husband shrugged. “What are latkes?”
I thought he was kidding. Who doesn’t know from latkes?

Memory of a Second Seder

“Why is this night not like all other nights?” we ask ourselves at the Seder each year. I answer that question by remembering a Seder that was not like all other Sedarim.