What Every Oleh Should Know
Sitting in your suburban home or cooperative apartment, surrounded by all that is currently so familiar, you are probably apprehensively wondering, “How do we begin?”
Sitting in your suburban home or cooperative apartment, surrounded by all that is currently so familiar, you are probably apprehensively wondering, “How do we begin?”
Almost a year ago, I received a call that was profoundly disturbing.
First, some background. Last year, in recognition of the sixty-seventh anniversary of the State of Israel, a yeshivah in my neighborhood organized a yom iyun to acknowledge the wonderful gift that Hashem bestowed upon Klal Yisrael after close to 2,000 years.
There is a long and not especially successful history of attempts to popularize a Yom Ha’atzmaut machzor for the English-speaking world. In 1964, Mr. Armin Krausz of Sheffield, England, arranged for such a machzor to be published by Routledge. The then chief rabbi of Great Britain and the Commonwealth, Rabbi Israel Brodie, was asked to approve it for use in synagogues under his authority, a request which he turned down.
In the following piece, tour guide Peter Abelow describes several tourist sites that are ideal to visit to commemorate Israel’s Independence Day including Independence Hall. The aspirations of our people to return home and re-establish Jewish independence in the Land of Israel, preserved tenaciously through 2,000 years of galut, came to a dramatic climax […]