
Volume # 82

Spring 2022(5782)

In this issue
What Can Parents Do?

What Can Parents Do?

The experts weigh in with some suggestions for parents concerned about the impact of technology on their children’s social-emotional development

Teaching Children Gratitude

Teaching Children Gratitude

  By Faye Wilbur As told to Leah R. Lightman Torah Jews start the day by reciting the Modeh Ani prayer, thanking Hashem for the simple fact that we woke up. It would be more grammatically correct to say “Ani modeh.” Yet we commence with “thank you” in order to become habituated to having […]

Cover Story


I believe the role of parents during trauma is to nurture and support the natural resilience of their children.

Empowering Parents
Cover Story

Empowering Parents

The Empowered Parenting Initiative is a parenting program comprised of various resources including The Digital Citizenship Project, a curriculum about the role of technology in children’s lives, and the Healthy Habits Hub, a series of “healthy habits” that foster positive family bonding.

Q&A with Dr. David Pelcovitz
Cover Story

Q&A with Dr. David Pelcovitz

We tend to have a set of expectations for our kids that is too narrow. . . . [and] all too often . . . kids start to view themselves as failures while in school.

Hard Truths about Soft Matzah

Hard Truths about Soft Matzah

While such matzah is most certainly not new—it has old roots in the Sephardic world—in recent years it has become more commercially available.

The Koren Yachad Siddur

The Koren Yachad Siddur

The editors appear to have done their best to address the question, “What can we do to make prayer more accessible?”

Ask Rabbi Jack

Ask Rabbi Jack

Even those of us (perhaps especially those of us) who have had a decent and comprehensive Orthodox Jewish education have often come away with little understanding of the actual breadth and depth of Torah thought.