Jewish Action Wins Four Rockower Awards

Rock1st.inddJewish Action won four Simon Rockower Awards for Excellence in Jewish Journalism for work produced in 2013. The prestigious awards, referred to as the “Jewish Pulitzers,” are sponsored by the American Jewish Press Association, which holds a journalism competition for leading Jewish magazines and newspapers from across the country. The entries are judged by a panel of judges with expertise in journalism, writing/reporting, editing, graphic design and cartooning in both the Jewish and non-Jewish media.

Jewish Action won first place for Excellence in Single Commentary in the newspaper and magazine category for “The Decline of the Rabbinic Sermon” by Zev Eleff. The magazine also won first place for The Jacob Rader Marcus Award for Journalistic Excellence in American Jewish History for “The Guru of Kashrut: Rabbi Alexander S. Rosenberg and the Transformation of Kashrut in America” by Professor Timothy D. Lytton. The article “The Courage to Serve: A Chareidi Girl in the IDF” by Fayga Marks, won two awards: first place for Excellence in Personal Essay and second place for Excellence in Writing about Women. The awards ceremony will be held in Washington D.C. in November.