Derashot LeDorot: A Commentary for the Ages

Derashot LeDorot: A Commentary for the Ages
By Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm

OU Press, Yeshiva University Press, Maggid

Devotees of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm’s masterful writings are in for a treat with the publication of Derashot LeDorot.

The last several years have seen a flurry of literary and publishing productivity as efforts have been made to collect and categorize the enormous canon of Rabbi Lamm’s writings, much of which is housed in the Lamm Archives of Yeshiva University. His thousands of shiurim, sermons and public addresses have been systematically collected and published.

Rabbi Lamm’s insights on the Haggadah and Pesach have been collected to create the masterpiece The Royal Table. His analyses of Megillat Esther and Purim have been distilled into Majesty and Mystery. And Festivals of Faith: Reflections on the Jewish Holidays is a compilation of Rabbi Lamm’s sermons on the entire cycle of festivals.

Derashot LeDorot presents Rabbi Lamm’s insights on the Book of Bereishit and organizes them according to the sequence of the weekly parashah.

Between 1952 and 1976, Rabbi Lamm captivated his congregants with dynamic sermons. He challenged his audiences to filter out the noise and distractions of modern American life by listening to the Divine voice and delving into the wisdom of the Torah. Derashot LeDorot is a selection of essays based on these stirring sermons. Each essay illustrates Rabbi Lamm’s masterful pedagogy, deep intellectual rigor and staunch commitment to the word of God. Today, almost half a century later, these essays remain as relevant and inspiring as ever.

For decades, Rabbi Lamm has been mesmerizing audiences with his captivating language and compelling messages. He is a preacher par excellence, conveying Torah messages in a format that is enjoyable, edifying and uplifting. Rabbi Lamm offers timeless messages of unsurpassed substance and style.

Readers who enjoy Derashot LeDorot will anxiously await the publication of the other volumes in this series that will present Rabbi Lamm’s insight into all Five Books of the Chumash.