Festivals of Faith: Reflections on the Jewish Holidays


Festivals of Faith: Reflections
on the Jewish Holidays
By Norman Lamm
OU Press, Yeshiva University Press, Ktav

The publication of a book by one of the leading Jewish thinkers of our time, a man whose mastery of Torah texts is matched by profound insight and remarkable eloquence, is a cause for celebration. Last year’s pre-Pesach buzz revolved around Rabbi Norman Lamm’s newly published Haggadah, The Royal Table. This year we celebrate his insights on the cycle of festivals throughout the year, which have been collected into a single volume titled Festivals of Faith: Reflections on the Jewish Holidays. For decades, Rabbi Lamm has been mesmerizing audiences with his captivating language and compelling messages. He is a preacher par excellence, conveying a Torah message in a format that is enjoyable, edifying and uplifting.

Around the year, from holiday to holiday, Rabbi Lamm offers timeless messages of unsurpassed substance and style.