The Lonely Man of Faith

lonelyThe Lonely Man of Faith
By Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Revised Edition
Edited and with an Introduction by Rabbi Reuven Ziegler
Co-published with Maggid Books

The Lonely Man of Faith, the Rav’s classic essay, has achieved iconic status in the world of Jewish philosophy. No contemporary discussion of fundamental themes in Jewish philosophy is complete without concepts such as Adam I and Adam II, developed by the Rav in this landmark essay. In this new edition, we have corrected many of the errors in transliteration and formatting that lurked in the prior edition. This new edition includes an introduction by the editor, Rabbi Reuven Ziegler, which analyzes the importance of The Lonely Man of Faith and places it within the context of the Rav’s thought and his other writings.

Each of these books adds significant knowledge and depth to our understanding of the Rav’s thought and message. Whether you are a novice or well-versed in the Rav’s thought, you will find each of these books rewarding and edifying.

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