OU Begins Offering Paid Parental Leave

As part of its ongoing initiative to promote the hiring and retention of women within the OU’s professional ranks and encourage better work-life balance, the OU recently began offering its employees paid parental leave. The new policy grants up to eight weeks of paid maternity leave to women who have worked at the OU for more than one year. “This benefit is a result of the OU’s determination to establish better benefits for our employees and to attract and promote talented female professionals,” says Lenny Bessler, OU chief human resources officer. The policy also provides two weeks of fully paid parental leave to new parents.

The new benefit was especially applauded by the OU Women’s Affinity Group, which engages female employees of the OU in ongoing conversations with the goal of creating an inclusive, enjoyable workplace. The Women’s Affinity Group played a major role in advocating for the new policy. “The OU is investing in ongoing efforts to recruit, retain and promote women within the ranks of the OU professional staff. There is no better way to do that than by offering family-friendly workplace measures and a better work-life balance for employees,” said Allen I. Fagin, OU executive vice president.

