Women in Action – Summer 2018

Training for Mikvah Attendants
In an effort to promote professionalism and best practices, the Women’s Initiative is launching a program to train mikvah attendants and directors.  The Greater Philadelphia area will be the first community to host this cutting-edge program that will feature speakers on topics ranging from fertility-related issues to developing domestic abuse protocols.

“Mikvah attendants are on the frontlines in seeing how sensitive issues intersect with the observance of taharat hamishpachah,”  says Carly Chodosh, Mikvah Director of Ateres Hoda Masha, The Lower Merion Community Mikvah in Bala Cynwnd, PA.  The WI is providing the tools and resources to empower mikvah attendants and administrators to offer support and guidance to best serve the mikvah patrons. Those who participate in the full program will receive a certificate of completion.

Guiding Young Rebbetzins
“Having a mentor was everything that I had hoped for,” says Sarah Yeamans, Rebbetzin of B’nai Israel Ohev Zedek in Philadelphia, PA, when asked about the Rebbetzin Elaine Wolf a”h Rebbetzin to Rebbetzin Mentoring Program. Recalling the trepidation and uncertainty she experienced as a new rebbetzin, Rebbetzin Yeamans is grateful to the program which provides guidance and support to contend with the pressures of rebbetzin life.

Spearheaded by Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman in March 2016 as part of Yeshiva University’s Center for the Jewish Future, the program pairs young, new rebbetzins with veteran rebbetzins. The program, now a joint initiative of the OU’s Women’s Initiative and Yeshiva University, just launched its second cohort. For more information or to become a mentor or mentee, contact women@ou.org.