The Work/Life Balance ll

Your recent cover story, which includes profiles of working women and “Tips for the Working Mom,” is an important one. Having two solid incomes has become a necessity for leading an affordable Orthodox lifestyle. Each woman shows how she prioritizes her career while remaining firm in her religious beliefs. It was helpful to see models of professional Orthodox women represented in different fields.

Orthodox women have come to understand that they have the abilities to make such contributions. The concept of sipuk is critical. Women working outside of the home can and should feel satisfaction beyond a paycheck. It makes no sense to go to work every day with the baggage of a guilt trip. Of course, working full time while raising children is challenging and requires juggling. But those who can find peace doing so will ultimately be better mothers, wives and people.

This issue should be recommended reading for young Orthodox women.

Elly D. Lasson, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Joblink of Maryland, Inc.
Baltimore, Maryland