Women Leaders Speak . . . about their work, their choices, their lives

What does it mean to be a woman with a leadership role in the Orthodox community? This is the question we posed to a diverse array of women—some educators, others communal professionals; some based in the US, others based in Israel; some in the twilight of their careers, others at the midpoint of their careers or just starting out. We asked them to reflect on the nature of their work on behalf of the klal and on insights they have gained. No question these women are a highly impressive bunch—but what makes these essays so very compelling is that the women take us into their inner worlds, sharing personal thoughts about their families, their work and their lives. These are their personal stories and we encourage those with different experiences to share their stories with us as well.

Click on the names below to read their stories:

women5Sharona Kaplan

Rabbanit Shulamit Melamed

Shira Smiles

Erica Brown

Aviva Weisbord

Channah Cohen

Rivka Segal

Rochel Sylvetsky

Sidebar: What Makes A Good Leader?