In Tribute to the Rav

Photo: Rabbi Irwin Albert


Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik was a figure of historic proportions. His presence in our midst had a profound impact on the course of our generation and his ideas, methods and personality will leave a permanent mark on the course of Jewish history and thought.

We have chosen to focus on a few aspects of the Rav’s kaleidoscopic nature: his life, his thought, his role and impact on his home town, and his historical and personal impact and influence.

We are deeply indebted to all of the contributors of articles and pictures to this special section on the Rav. Working under crushing time pressure, during a period of great personal stress after his passing, they persevered in completing their assignments with precision and sensitivity. Their painstaking effort for the sake of their beloved rebbe is, in itself, an outstanding tribute to his memory.

In This Section